If you're having trouble posting pics or just need to learn how, you may find the below information helpful:
You'll first need to set up an account with an image hosting site. I use servimg.com, but there are several others like photobucket, flickr, etc. Once you've got your account you're ready to start uploading your images. You'll need to save any desired images into a folder on your computer. With servimg.com you must log in, click "upload", and locate the image you wish to post in your picture folder. Select the image and click "host". You'll be provided with a list of links for both thumbnail and actual size versions of the image in both BBcode and html. I usually use the full sized BBcode link. Simply highlite and copy the link and paste into the text window of your post.
You will see only the link for the post until you click "send". If you want to make sure it worked properly you can click "Preview". Once you're happy with your post just click "Send" and you're done.
I hope you found this info helpful. If you need any help feel free to PM me.