Heey everyone, Im new.
So, about me,
To start, at the moment, I am 4th prestige, lv 62.
My KDR is 1.02 and its rising.
I play about 14-30 hours a week.
I live in the Netherlands, so Ill probably play in the American morning/night.
Im just 14 years old, but I dont act like a little kid or something.
I have a mic. but its not always available since its my brothers. But he works, and just bought Super Street Fighter 4, and he doesnt use a mic. in that game. Also, when I have money Ill buy my own mic but I am still paying money to my parents fro my ps3...
Also, I cant spell or use good grammar. Please, dont mind that because I am dylectic.
I am a creative type, what commes handy when Im creating classes. Also if you guys like it I could come up with some new surgestions.
My PSN is: Hondman_2
Could someone please add me?
When can I start playing matches with you guys?